Bluesky vs Twitter – how many are really moving from the X?

In the past months many have moved away from a well know social media company that has been said to be degrading over recent years.

I had never done much on the Twitter other than testing and integrations for coding, and browsing news and accounts. So I thought it interesting that recently an open source alternative of Twitter reached mainstream. Let’s see how popular it is – among some of those accounts that have both an X and Bluesky account:

Bluesky followersX/Twitter followers
RATPAC ham radio199265
Rons Computer Videos43662684
North West Fusion Group347580 (moved on from Twitter to Bluesky)
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station155122018
The Oregonian19410442808
Oregon Coast Aquarium40499470
Idaho Reports109513033

As you can see, some have a similar following and sometimes even more on Bluesky. One would not expect that as Bluesky is a much younger media system. The demographics of membership of any given organization may contribute to different social media use – or disuse, as many have moved away or left stale and unused accounts.

Recently a well known Christian magazine completely moved off of X/Twitter. A UK based internet marketing company has done the same. So have many other businesses, teams, users. It will be interesting to see how the numbers above change in the near future…

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