Brain games

During lockdown in many cities it may be a good time to stay in and do some reading or video games. But what are some good games that can improve your mind during these challenging times? Here are a few suggestions:


This is easily installable in Linux but apparently has a Windows port – very good IQ-test style puzzles for your brain.


Foldit (download) is an interesting game that actually is used for bio research. If you’re good at this you could help solve puzzles relating to Coronavirus and Aflatoxin.


Lexica (download, github) is great for a quick game that expands your vocabulary and potentially your scrabble score 🙂


Crosswords (download) is an advanced Scrabble-type game. Multiple players or robot-players supported!


Mathdoku / HoloKen is a sudoku style puzzle. If you thought Sudokus were too hard or too easy there is a adjustable size setting, too!

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