If you are often in a cafe or library with shared internet, it’s best to go through a VPN so any unencrypted traffic isn’t detected by any local hackers – while there are many vpn packages, it is easy enough to make your own and connect to it with shadowsocks. This can give you good performance even on a $5/mo digitalocean server!*
Continue reading “Easy VPN with DigitalOcean and ShadowSocks”Back to School and watch out for security and your preinstalled sofware!
This may be a back-to-school like no other in recent history. Kyle Rankin, chief security officer of Purism, has an interesting article about privacy as schools start online this year. While many schools use Google docs or Chromebooks, it is important to use your school account which is legally not allowed to be tracking as much.
(If you do use Google docs for education please also check out Autocorrect remover which makes writing much better for English learners!)
Continue reading “Back to School and watch out for security and your preinstalled sofware!”