Optimal placements and unsolved math problems

Optimal placements and unsolved math problems are among the interesting problems discussed in the book, Tomorrow’s Math, Second Edition by C. Stanley Ogilvy. On chapter two, pg.23-24 he asks how a land’s defenses may be best defended by n defense stations on a disk shaped land area? They state it had known answers for n<6, and “a general solution seems remote at present”.

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Happy Pi Day 2022

Once again it is Pi day, a great time to make pie – or order a Pizza or Pie (check if your local restaurants have a special Pi day deal 🙂 )

This year Pi day comes on a Monday, which hasn’t happened since 2016! There are some interesting tricks to calculating what any given day of the week was, and I’ll leave you with a video that James Grime published with some math tricks for the day of the week for any given date:

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Happy Twosday! and a Surprising Pi trick

In Ben Sparks’ video he shows a very interesting trick. On a decimal angle calculator run:


If your calculator has more than the standard Ubuntu calculator’s digits of accuracy you could add even more repeating 5’s. The answer is approximately PI with extra zeros…


Since today is Twosday (2-22-2022 in any date format), here is a similar Tuesday math trick for the Python console:

from math import sin

It is also .0003142… or approximately Pi!

Continue reading “Happy Twosday! and a Surprising Pi trick”

Makerfaire is coming up!

The past 18 months or so have been somewhat different as far as availability of in person gatherings, meetups and Makerfairs, etc. but this year there are some changes for the better… If you are interested in Machine learning and computer-vision projects, come look at a couple demos at the booth at Central Oregon Maker Fair, Nov 13-15th!