One week until shutdown – have you downloaded your data?

Last year, the well known Diaspora node announced it will be shutting down… April 2025. Reasons stated include liability for anything posted within a server an administrator controls, and maintenance and the disk space growth and general expectation that the service should be more like other social media companies.

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Bluesky vs Twitter – how many are really moving from the X?

In the past months many have moved away from a well know social media company that has been said to be degrading over recent years.

I had never done much on the Twitter other than testing and integrations for coding, and browsing news and accounts. So I thought it interesting that recently an open source alternative of Twitter reached mainstream. Let’s see how popular it is – among some of those accounts that have both an X and Bluesky account:

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DigitalOcean performance – and reasons to get set on a newer region!

If you have had a very old Ubuntu/Linux server that you had recently noted does not receive security updates (without paid subscription), you may have certainly looked in to the pros/cons of creating an entirely new server of a newer Ubuntu, vs Ubuntu upgrade process. There may be more advantages than you think, to start an entirely new droplet:

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