One week until shutdown – have you downloaded your data?

Last year, the well known Diaspora node announced it will be shutting down… April 2025. Reasons stated include liability for anything posted within a server an administrator controls, and maintenance and the disk space growth and general expectation that the service should be more like other social media companies.

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DigitalOcean performance – and reasons to get set on a newer region!

If you have had a very old Ubuntu/Linux server that you had recently noted does not receive security updates (without paid subscription), you may have certainly looked in to the pros/cons of creating an entirely new server of a newer Ubuntu, vs Ubuntu upgrade process. There may be more advantages than you think, to start an entirely new droplet:

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Recent Outages Highlight Need for Ham Radio, Multiple Emergency Communications.

Earlier this month, both AT&T and Verizon had a texting and calling cell phone outage – even the FCC noted that this was happening in multiple states! Similar issues have happened in February and at other times. In the recent New Mexico, 29 out of 113 cell towers were down and this is a common issue among areas with natural disasters. This highlights the need for other channels of communication, even when you are in town and normally have a working cell phone:

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