There’s an old math trick that goes like so – choose any number… say 171…. add the digits and subtract.
171-9 = 162
Take its sum of digits and subtract them…
162 – 9 = 153
Take its sum of digits and subtract them… Continue reading “Analyzing Scott Flansburg’s Nines Trick”
The only metric guide you may need
Kilometers, Centimeters… microfarads, farads… They units are all a multiple of 10, but that doesn’t make them that much easier as you are first learning them. What is 1.09km in cm? or 1205cm in km? With a quick jotted down note card you can very quickly see what any commonly used metric unit converts to!
Think outside the box for the most optimal recycling solution.
Today we did some up-cycling of political ad signs. After elections these generally go in the trash, but Talent Maker City had a public event to build some cool stuff out of these corrugated plastic boards! (Update- see the howto for version 2 of a durable cargo bicycle box here)
Continue reading “Think outside the box for the most optimal recycling solution.”