Kv4p HT app brings 2-meter Ham Radio to Android Phones

If you have been involved in amateur radio groups you may have noted the new popular kv4p HT project that many have been talking about. This app and USBC-connected radio chip let you use your phone as a small ham radio handheld!

The app and the chip design are open source and documented on kv4p.com and on Github. Check out their demo!

The newest version of his app, 1.3.1, is available on Github (and just recently updated on Google Play also). It adds the ability to call the add-memory screen from other apps, which enables some quick and easy frequency setting.

RepeaterSTART share-to-kv4p feature

If you purchase the latest build of my RepeaterSTART, it now has the ability to share a repeater frequency and tone and parameters directly to the kv4p app! Check out the step by step demo in the video:

Like kv4p, this works offline, with repeaters and map work stored on device. Be ready for the next cell phone outage/power outage with RepeaterSTART!

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