There has been much research in recent months making LLMs give helpful and useful information. Unfortunately it is often wrong or inaccurate. Today I show how some simple tasks for radio amateurs are given back with incorrect information in Claude, ChatGPT and Bing AI assistant:
Continue reading “AI Attempts at Ham Radio Help”Kv4p HT app brings 2-meter Ham Radio to Android Phones
If you have been involved in amateur radio groups you may have noted the new popular kv4p HT project that many have been talking about. This app and USBC-connected radio chip let you use your phone as a small ham radio handheld!
Continue reading “Kv4p HT app brings 2-meter Ham Radio to Android Phones”QSO Today conference is coming up!
QSO today conference is coming up next month! Check out the details here for the list of presentations and gallery projects including, HF, Arduino, Antennas and Smith Charts and more!
Optimizing a Python program with profiling data
If you have been maintaining a Python program that has been growing for some time with new features you may notice at some point it can get a bit lagging and slow. For example, the app that is powered by repeaters listing has grown from thousands of repeaters to now over 10,000 repeaters in the listing shown in the app. This hung things up especially on devices like Raspberry Pi or Librem phone while starting up the app.
Continue reading “Optimizing a Python program with profiling data”Utah VHF Society Repeater list now brought in to the repeater listing
If you have visited Utah any time recently with a ham radio you may have noted that not all of the repeaters coordinated in the area are on the repeater listing. As of this weekend this has been brought in with permission from the Utah VHFS!
Continue reading “Utah VHF Society Repeater list now brought in to the repeater listing”QSO Today Ham Radio Conference is coming this weekend
Ham radio news Feb 3
- Registration is now open for QSO Today ham radio expo. Check out DMR and hearham live tutorials and many other presentations. Get your tickets for some interesting topics Mar. 12-13!
- Stats and end of year summary for the 2021 user survey, are up.
- Nominations recently opened for Amateur Radio Software Award for Free and open-source software. I’d nominate Pat. repeater listing now includes Australian database
As of last weekend, the Wireless Institute of Australia Database is included, with permission, into the database backing Repeater-START app. This improves the listing with hundreds of repeaters local to Australia brought in from their listing.
Continue reading “ repeater listing now includes Australian database”Pi-Star MMDVM Setup and Setting Up Callsign listener with
Pi-start is a way to make a MMDVM (available from Newegg and other retailers) a DMR digital repeater node to talk with digital radio. If you have a Raspberry Pi, sd and reader, and a computer, you can set it up…
Continue reading “Pi-Star MMDVM Setup and Setting Up Callsign listener with”Review: Radioddity GD77 DMR Radio
The Radioddity is a fairly popular affordable amateur radio, and a good entry level way to get into DMR radio. (You may use this referral code for a discount)
Continue reading “Review: Radioddity GD77 DMR Radio”