Review: Radioddity GD77 DMR Radio

The Radioddity is a fairly popular affordable amateur radio, and a good entry level way to get into DMR radio. (You may use this referral code for a discount)

The good

Good sound quality and parts – comes with a larger whip antenna that would cost probably $12 to special order for most radios – and a “rubber duck antenna”. Also comes with programming cable, and charger, belt clip, battery.

Nice screen for a radio of this price, and seems to be working very well, months after purchase.

The bad

First of all (a problem with most digital radios) – there are features that aren’t programmable on the radio – and programming software is not so great, Windows only, time to get out the one old WindowsXP laptop you only use only for Chinese radio programming software 🙂

No apparent way to show both frequency and channel name at the same time – but you can monitor two at the same time!? (Double double mode). Seems like a Baofeng, of which this is a re-brand I am pretty sure 🙂 Although you can see the frequency, CTCSS deep in a menu settings, there doesn’t seem to be any way to set digital/analog fm of the setting on the radio.

Ordering process – as of this writing there doesn’t seem to be a way to buy one without Paypal (you don’t need an account though). A text offered special offers after completing the order with the company (which shows as Chinese characters or “DONGGUANRUI” on your statement!?)

Sensitivity/Quality of radio – this one does not work as well as a Yaesu FT65 or other more quality radios in that listening to simplex may get more cut outs, this is the same platform as the Baofeng hardware and others have pointed out it runs the same or similar software.

The programming

As with most DMR radios the programming is mostly going to be on the computer, although you can change an existing station’s attributes from the menu. On the latest firmware on latest device I received there are options:

CTCSS: Green Btn – > Set -> Radio Set -> Select one -> use up/down to set.

Frequency/offset: Green Btn – > Set -> Radio Cfg -> RX_Freq or TX_Freq.

Digital Color Code/Slot 1/2 setting: Green button Menu -> Set -> Radio Cfg -> Color Code/Slot option.

Talk group: Green Btn -> Contact -> New Contact -> Group -> enter talkgroup number.

And so with more menu digging than usual you can review and change a bad entry’s programming. There doesn’t seem to be a way to change the more advanced options on device.

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