If you’ve seen any behind-the-scenes view of any movie you probably are familiar with the green-screen – generally a way to combine an actor with some prerecorded or computer generated background. There are some unique effects you can do with this yourself using OpenCV!
Continue reading “Green-screening a recursive green screen for a unique Pie-day effect”Happy Pi day 2021!
Happy Pi day! Hope you are enjoying making pie (within your household/pod) and learning some new math stuff today! Matt Parker has an interesting video up on an attempting to calculate pi from a diameter of one-molecule thick droplet spreading on water:
Continue reading “Happy Pi day 2021!”Mathematics with Pi – and earth measurement with network requests
In Ian Stewart’s book, Professor Stewart’s Casbook of Mathematical Mysteries, he writes about an easy way one might prove that the earth is not flat. His “easy” proof can be done by booking some flights and timing them… or, simply looking up actual flights from certain cities to other cities. If it is much much shorter for a certain flight from A to D while A to B to C to D in a nearly straight line is much longer, it’s effectively a proof you can go around the world without falling off…
Continue reading “Mathematics with Pi – and earth measurement with network requests”Neural Networks Part 2: Learning Pi
Thousands of years ago, probably around the invention of the wheel, and before the time of Solomon, humans must have been measuring various objects… calculating some distances, and wondering, is there a better way to measure how far around the outside of a wheel is compared to its diameter? Continue reading “Neural Networks Part 2: Learning Pi”