Things to do while distancing or quarantined at home

With the recent increased cases of covid-19, many are staying home or quarantined. Here are a few ideas to productively spend some time…

Pray for your local first responders and those affected. Give to local or global organizations. Build something to help with personal protective equipment like Talent Maker City is doing, or build something online (Digital Ocean will give free credits and $100 donation on behalf of developers building tools to fight covid!)

Learn something new. For example, Pyimagesearch has some interesting howtos on the blog and even has a sale on their machine learning material right now. There are a lot of other learning videos on Youtube and Coursera (choose to “audit” a course for free). Once you are ready, try some real machine learning problems, like the covid Kaggle challenge.

Check what’s going on locally on ham radio – If you’ve never checked it out you can get a cheap receive-only device and just listen. Repeater-START and its repeater database will let you see what repeaters are nearby. A RTLSDR device will let you listen to various frequencies that are nearby you, just click “play” button once your RTLSDR drivers and software are installed:

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