New England Repeaters added to Repeater Listing and Repeater-START

The Repeater-START app now includes repeaters imported from the New England Repeater Directory. This makes the app and repeater listing much more useful to those in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine! This expands the repeater-START app and any other applications needing an offline, fairly complete listing of amateur radio repeaters worldwide.

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Building a Linux App with Python – Part 6, connecting to the repeater listing!

It’s easy to start a Python project in one file, and then add class after class and function after function in the same file – as i have in the repeater-start project. This can get unwieldy after awhile. As I am adding a type for the open-source Hearham Live Repeater Listing, I will make a new node creator that will get the repeaters out of the api. So from what I had before, just one repeater code:

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Building a repeater app for Linux, part 5: Subprocess for listening to the radio

With the number of cheap RTLSDR devices that let you listen to radio or ham radio, it’s only natural to want to check out each of the repeaters and their use when you go to a new area. In fact, once you have a device set up correctly it is easy to integrate that (or any other command line features) into your project.

To start with I set up a class based on what I added for Hearham uploader – this will make the command run in a separate thread, continuing the process until it is killed. An ongoing process must not be on the same thread as the GUI (in any interface, Java, Android, or GTK…) This is going to use subprocess module as it can make it easier to use an existing utility (rlt_fm command in this case), rather than doing the whole signal processing in Python.

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Building a mobile app for Linux, part 4: GPS/mobile tracking

Another important part of many mobile apps is location tracking – there is, fortunately, there is a built in api for most Linux systems called Geoclue that should work… There is even a Python-geoclue package, but after some digging I found that this package does not work in Python3. In fact it’s hard to find examples or documentation, if you look at the files of the package you can see there are some basic docs:

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Building an amateur radio app for Linux, part 2

In the previous post I showed how to add some icons to an application showing OpenStreetMap, with Python and GTK+. Next, I’ll show how to make a listing of nearest repeaters to selected area. The listing of all repeaters is in the local array, and since there is a .distance(lat,lon) that gives the distance to a point, the list of repeaters can be sorted by closest to a certain point that is selected – in the on_button_release function. The Python Gtk guide shows an example that can be integrated in to the code to add a Listbox. The listbox should be “self.listbox” so various functions can access and change it. Below the other widget/control code, this must be added, within a gtkScrollWindow or adding many items will expand the window awkwardly:

Continue reading “Building an amateur radio app for Linux, part 2”