Treecard by Ecosia is a new debit card designed to reforest – and a card that is made of wood! Some previous app ratings suggested that this was “not real”, but it is in fact a real card – it has been delayed but the card production issues apparently were figured out, as they are shipping now.
Continue reading “Treecard review – the card that plants trees”Pi-Star MMDVM Setup and Setting Up Callsign listener with
Pi-start is a way to make a MMDVM (available from Newegg and other retailers) a DMR digital repeater node to talk with digital radio. If you have a Raspberry Pi, sd and reader, and a computer, you can set it up…
Continue reading “Pi-Star MMDVM Setup and Setting Up Callsign listener with”Makerfaire is coming up!
The past 18 months or so have been somewhat different as far as availability of in person gatherings, meetups and Makerfairs, etc. but this year there are some changes for the better… If you are interested in Machine learning and computer-vision projects, come look at a couple demos at the booth at Central Oregon Maker Fair, Nov 13-15th!
Scientists find the other ski after seven years
Have you ever lost one sock or one shoe after looking all over for days or weeks? Well don’t feel so bad, recently some scientists found their second ski at a research site after the ice melted for seven years!
Continue reading “Scientists find the other ski after seven years”Matt Parker’s new Video on Math Beeing Interesting
In Matt Parker’s recent video he looks into some interesting properties of the shapes commonly found in nature in bee’s hives:
Continue reading “Matt Parker’s new Video on Math Beeing Interesting”Pine64 PineTime review
PineTime is one inexpensive yet very useful “smart watch”. If you want one that is open source, unlike those from Apple or Google, you will be glad to see this watch which is not only inexpensive but has software you can change (if you buy a dev kit version and know some wiring…)
Continue reading “Pine64 PineTime review”Pat 0.11 Review and setup… the long awaited update!
If you have used Ham radio and are on Linux, you most likely have used the Winlink program Pat, an open source interface to use Winlink over internet (and some radios if you have that set up). The long awaited new release now includes the forms feature! and other improvements! If you haven’t set it up here is a quick review:
Continue reading “Pat 0.11 Review and setup… the long awaited update!”Government publication shows practical ways you can prep for an EMP
Chances are you have seen a movie or book recently covering the topic of an EMP – an Electro-magnetic pulse from a faraway nuke that could cause outages and damage. While most of what you hear will either be dismissive of the possibility, or a horror story of years of electronic wasteland, the reality could be more in the middle and is something folks can prepare for, according to a US government publication linked in the documents section of the SHARES site.
The SHARES system is a HF long range ham radio service but there are several recommendations in the document that just about any civilian should be considering, not just radio maintainers and organizations:
Continue reading “Government publication shows practical ways you can prep for an EMP”Only a few days before T-mobile auto-opts-in advertising with your information
If you’ve been following the Purism mailing list you probably know now that on Apr 26 T-mobile will be able to use your data for “anonymized” advertising targeted to you. What does that mean for you and what can you do to opt out?
Continue reading “Only a few days before T-mobile auto-opts-in advertising with your information”Severe weather alerts with a simple Python script
If like many you have been starting gardens and planting rather than traveling and visiting in recent months, there is one important thing to consider lately – severe weather reports including frost on your crops. I noted there was a little red (!) alert icon on an Android weather widget, but there seems to be no such alert for desktop computer or Linux computer or phone. It is a fairly simple to make this alert though with a simple script:
Continue reading “Severe weather alerts with a simple Python script”