If you haven’t seen Matt Parker’s Christmas Tree folding puzzle or received in on email/mail yet, you can read about it in one of his recent videos: I can confirm that it does fold in to a few different shapes!
Continue reading “Matt Parker’s Christmas Tree Net”StarryAI Machine-generated Christmas images and app icons
Some time ago I found the StarryAI service, with limited computer-generated imagery functionality. These are the image equivalent of painting as writing would be to ChatGPT. Let’s take a look at what we can generate…
Continue reading “StarryAI Machine-generated Christmas images and app icons”Cautionary warning – email gift card scam
There is a scam to be especially watchful for this giving season… This has been going on targeting churches and clubs or organizations for some time. This appears to be an email from the higher-ups within an organization asking for some gift cards which you will be reimbursed for.
Continue reading “Cautionary warning – email gift card scam”Getting your camera pictures back to the correct created-time
How many times have you had some new battery in your camera set, after which the time did not set correctly and each photo you take is a photo taken in 1970 or has another issue when seen on the computer? This is a common problem that one tool, Exiftool has a quick solution for:
Continue reading “Getting your camera pictures back to the correct created-time”Wordle game analysis with Python
Wordle is an interesting word game in the style of the old mastermind game. You can try it out on NYT puzzle page or other places. Check it out and try a round!
Continue reading “Wordle game analysis with Python”MakerFaire Central Oregon 2022
This year’s MakerFaire had some great additions and some new booths… Check out a few of the highlights:
Continue reading “MakerFaire Central Oregon 2022”Knime conference coming up
Next week the KNIME fall conference will be happening, Nov 14-16. For mathematicians or anyone wanting to look at some useful AI/Machine learning tools, this should be an informative conference! I’ve seen some previous sessions with interesting demos and overviews of new features they add to this open-source tool. Virtual passes are free to the live-streamed event! If it is like past online lessons, it is likely they will also be available later from their Youtube channel page.
Adding a Bleachbit cleaner for disk space and privacy
If you have ever seen the disk usage nearly full message, you have probably been grateful for the free Bleachbit application for your computer. Whether it’s on Linux, Windows or other systems, Bleachbit is a good way to clear old cache when you get a warning about low disk space or to clear out a lot of old data for privacy. However there are many applications that don’t have a cleaning definition… yet.
Continue reading “Adding a Bleachbit cleaner for disk space and privacy”Plus codes as an easy location-sharing option
You may know of grid squares for general location in a ham radio contest, or the What3Words system with its easy access if you have network access, but there is another often-used location project you may not have heard of which is also easier than sharing a long latitude and longitude number!
Continue reading “Plus codes as an easy location-sharing option”Are Electric vehicles the way to go? A mathematical look at the economics of EVs
There have been a lot of items in the news about electric cars recently – many states have rebate for new vehicles, and federal tax incentives will be a complicated and interesting opportunity next year. The car company website would certainly say you will save a lot purchasing their vehicles, but there is a surprisingly easy way to estimate for yourself whether an EV is cost effective.
Continue reading “Are Electric vehicles the way to go? A mathematical look at the economics of EVs”