If you have been maintaining a Python program that has been growing for some time with new features you may notice at some point it can get a bit lagging and slow. For example, the app that is powered by hearham.com repeaters listing has grown from thousands of repeaters to now over 10,000 repeaters in the listing shown in the app. This hung things up especially on devices like Raspberry Pi or Librem phone while starting up the app.
Continue reading “Optimizing a Python program with profiling data”Pinephone setup – the more stable version with Phosh
If you have purchased the Pinephone you may have noted the very buggy issues with the default install. Unfortunately the Manjaro Linux with Plasma mobile has some very odd issues, keeps requesting updates, and is quite buggy. The Phosh (GTK) system is much more usable and uses the same Phosh startup shell which makes it work in similar manner as the more expensive Librem5 phone, and can be flashed to the Pinephone quite easily:
Continue reading “Pinephone setup – the more stable version with Phosh”Snap Store and Flatpak – missing “app stores” for Librem 5 Phone?
As you may have noticed, the Librem phone and other Linux phones don’t always have the same apps you may be looking for for iOS and Android, with few available within the built in store. While you must check with developers and encourage them to build their apps for Librem phone, there are a number of these that can be installed already from Flathub/Snap store:
Continue reading “Snap Store and Flatpak – missing “app stores” for Librem 5 Phone?”Best/Worst of April Fools 2022
With the news trends and company trends these past years, April fools has been one thing on a backburner for most sites. But this year there were some funny ones…
Continue reading “Best/Worst of April Fools 2022”Be ready for internet outages
Whether you have a very flaky internet connection at your residence, or you expect potential cyber attacks, it may be time to review Purism’s recent guide to prepping with some extra hard drives and some tools:
Continue reading “Be ready for internet outages”Utah VHF Society Repeater list now brought in to the repeater listing
If you have visited Utah any time recently with a ham radio you may have noted that not all of the repeaters coordinated in the area are on the repeater listing. As of this weekend this has been brought in with permission from the Utah VHFS!
Continue reading “Utah VHF Society Repeater list now brought in to the repeater listing”Fastorslow.com is shutting down – Possible alternatives?
If you have been using Fastorslow.com from Wordfence, you may have seen the news already, that Fastorslow.com is shutting down at the end of the month – for lack of being a viable business project for the Wordfence team 🙁
While this is disappointing, what other tools are out there that we can use?
Continue reading “Fastorslow.com is shutting down – Possible alternatives?”Happy Pi Day 2022
Once again it is Pi day, a great time to make pie – or order a Pizza or Pie (check if your local restaurants have a special Pi day deal 🙂 )
This year Pi day comes on a Monday, which hasn’t happened since 2016! There are some interesting tricks to calculating what any given day of the week was, and I’ll leave you with a video that James Grime published with some math tricks for the day of the week for any given date:
Continue reading “Happy Pi Day 2022”RIP JoinDiaspora, and soon, Stackoverflow-careers
As you may have noted if you use the service – Joindiaspora.com has finally been shut down. This brings up the question of what other open source or decentralized alternative will replace this for users moving away from Facebook or Twitter?
Continue reading “RIP JoinDiaspora, and soon, Stackoverflow-careers”QSO Today Ham Radio Conference is coming this weekend
Tickets are $10.00 until Expo opens, then $13.50 until April 10th: Check out the topics, including a hearham.live demo!