It’s that time of year again, with leaves falling, people getting in from the cold and wind and getting in to coding… Hacktoberfest is just a few days away!
Continue reading “Hacktoberfest is coming up”QSO Today conference is coming up!
QSO today conference is coming up next month! Check out the details here for the list of presentations and gallery projects including, HF, Arduino, Antennas and Smith Charts and more!
Puzzles – an open-source collection
Many mathematicians enjoy puzzles – and digging in to interesting code. Simon’s Puzzle collection is an open source collection of puzzles that any mathematician would enjoy:
Continue reading “Puzzles – an open-source collection”Pinetime update with Gadgetbridge
If you use a Pinetime you may not have updated it since you received it…? If so you may be missing some features such as alarm, improved heartrate monitor and now, swipable notifications. Fortunately it is easy enough to get it updated…
Continue reading “Pinetime update with Gadgetbridge”The end of TigerVPN… and what you can replace it with
If you have tried TigerVPN recently you may have noticed nothing but connection errors… and visiting the website, you may have noticed the message…
Continue reading “The end of TigerVPN… and what you can replace it with”Testing solutions to the 100-prisoners puzzle.
Both Matt Parker and the Youtube Veritasium channel have reviewed the surprising best practice for the 100 prisoners puzzle. The puzzle is a way to find a solution that will let the prisoners win with the most probability. If you have not seen this already please see the video here before some spoilers below.
Continue reading “Testing solutions to the 100-prisoners puzzle.”Optimal placements and unsolved math problems
Optimal placements and unsolved math problems are among the interesting problems discussed in the book, Tomorrow’s Math, Second Edition by C. Stanley Ogilvy. On chapter two, pg.23-24 he asks how a land’s defenses may be best defended by n defense stations on a disk shaped land area? They state it had known answers for n<6, and “a general solution seems remote at present”.
Continue reading “Optimal placements and unsolved math problems”OpenShot on Ubuntu 22.04
If you install OpenShot on Ubuntu 22.04 or other newer Linux distributions you may note that it doesn’t run – which is an easy fix. Running the program from the terminal gave an error:
Continue reading “OpenShot on Ubuntu 22.04”Packaging a Python application for ArchLinux/Manjaro Linux
In a previous howto I showed how to build a .deb installer file for a Python program. This would work for the majority of systems with Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint etc. However there are many users on Arch Linux or Manjaro, which do not take this .deb installer file. Some Linux computers such as the popular (and currently out of stock 🙁 ) Pinebook laptop, and Pinephone come with Manjaro Linux, which takes Arch packages. Thankfully there is an easy way to add a package to the AUR for these Arch-based devices.
Continue reading “Packaging a Python application for ArchLinux/Manjaro Linux”Optimizing a Python program with profiling data
If you have been maintaining a Python program that has been growing for some time with new features you may notice at some point it can get a bit lagging and slow. For example, the app that is powered by repeaters listing has grown from thousands of repeaters to now over 10,000 repeaters in the listing shown in the app. This hung things up especially on devices like Raspberry Pi or Librem phone while starting up the app.
Continue reading “Optimizing a Python program with profiling data”