As you may know, /e/OS is the non-Google Android OS that runs on a variety of phones. This means the combined advantages of Android apps, extra privacy options and not getting gobs of Google apps each asking for your login and information, which you cannot delete*. An easy installation program is available to set up your phone if it is one of the more common models!
Continue reading “Installing /e/OS and first review”Lost the setup-new-Android screen? There is hope…
If you’ve ever worked to try and set up a new phone, you may have noted that the initial transfer and setup screen may go away… Even if you reset the phone again, how do you get it back? Fortunately there is an excellent open source Activity Launcher that will let you get back to this screen (“activity” in Android developer terms).
Continue reading “Lost the setup-new-Android screen? There is hope…”TigerVPN with a Non-broken Open-source App
If you got set up on the TigerVPN years back you may have noticed that their Android app no longer works. It’s an often-reported issue. Ironically, the not-officially-supported setup documented here does still work. A similar quick setup can get you set up quickly on Android:
Continue reading “TigerVPN with a Non-broken Open-source App”Turning a normal SVG into an Android Vector (Updated Repeater-START!)
If you have tried at building an Android app recently you might notice that there is a new icon shown on newer Android Oreo, Android 10, Android 11 devices… it shows the Android antenna head instead of the normal icon. The odd thing is that the “design” area of the .xml file will display it but not let you actually design and draw in it like you can change layout xml. You can however use Inkscape or your favorite .svg editor and convert that file to this Android format:
Continue reading “Turning a normal SVG into an Android Vector (Updated Repeater-START!)”Purism price increase scheduled for end of June
If you have been thinking of buying the new Librem phone now may be the best time to do so! The price will be increasing $100 according to a recent posting on their blog. And what better way to celebrate independence day than a device independent of many of the major tech giants’ updates? You can even buy a Librem phone that is built in USA… at over double the cost, however.
Continue reading “Purism price increase scheduled for end of June”Announcing Repeater-START Amateur radio app for Android
In the past weeks, I have noticed repeater listing gets many requests from Android devices. Furthermore, many ham radio people already have an Android phone and are still waiting on their Librem Phone to ship. So I started an Android port of the Linux open-data repeater app, Repeater-START.
Continue reading “Announcing Repeater-START Amateur radio app for Android”