Budgie Desktop is an interesting Linux distro which you can see is the base of Linux in the Ham Shack, downloadable here.
Continue reading “Review: Linux in the Ham Shack Linux”Announcing Repeater-START Amateur radio app for Android
In the past weeks, I have noticed hearham.com repeater listing gets many requests from Android devices. Furthermore, many ham radio people already have an Android phone and are still waiting on their Librem Phone to ship. So I started an Android port of the Linux open-data repeater app, Repeater-START.
Continue reading “Announcing Repeater-START Amateur radio app for Android”What3Words API in Laravel: Integrating geolocation finder in your web app
What3words is an interesting alternative to sharing around long latitude/longitude numbers, instead share just a few words!
The first step to integrating the api is signing up for a free API key. Then require the library using composer – in the main project folder run:
Continue reading “What3Words API in Laravel: Integrating geolocation finder in your web app”